Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Fashion 101 by Caden

So what the heck is this picture, you might ask??? Just a taste of my son's wonderful fashion sense: A motorcycle helmet, motorcycle glove, and one of MY shirts that looks like a dress on him. And no, I did not set up this picture! He is obsessed with strange things, like all of Josh's motorcycle gear (understandable) and just this particular maternity shirt of mine (just strange). But I find that the more pregnant and tired I get (only 2 1/2 months left! only...hahaha), the less I care what entertains this kid...as long as he's happy!


Unknown said...

Hey, congrats on the upcoming bundle! I know how exhausting it can be pregnant and a mom so hang in there!

Kara said...

I've always figured he got his fashion sense from you... ;)

Cheryl said...

I didn't realize you were prego! Congratulations! That's awesome. And he is going to LOVE that picture in another 10 years!

FOUST said...