Sunday, May 4, 2008

Finally, Family Pictures!!!

I have been waiting FOREVER to get our family pictures done, but with Josh in school this is the first chance we've had! Even still, I had to beg and plead to get Josh to agree to get them done...I even had to negotiate that this was my Mother's Day AND Birthday present! But it was worth it! Look how cute my guys are! (c:


FOUST said...

LOVE LOVE IT! You guys have such a beautiful family.Can't wait to meet the new addition!

Kara said...

They turned out so adorable! I love 'em!!!

Rachel and Eric said...

Cutest little family pictures ever! I really sometimes don't believe that you have a husband since he's such a recluse, but I guess these pictures prove it. They're going to be outdated soon though--you're pregnant, remember? :)

Kika VilaNova said...

Ei prima! Tudo bonzinho?
Thanks for visiting our blog! It's my attempt to keep the family and American friends posted on what's up with us. Trevor said he didn't know you guys are into MMA and UFC, that is so cool! He got me into it, I now love to watch and pick my favorites. You guys should come to Trevor's tournament at the end of the month. Oh and Trevor wants you to know he's done some cage fighting, animaaalllll! aahaha

well lets keep in touch!
Your son is super cute, by the way!