Monday, October 20, 2008

You have got to be kidding...

So Josh and I finally got released from our calling in the nursery right before we moved and we were so excited because we thought that meant we could go to class again. Boy were we wrong! We stupidly assumed that because Caden had been in nursery for over a year already that it would be no big deal for him to go. Yeah. I have never seen such a HUGE FIT from a kid being left in nursery, one of us HAS to stay RIGHT next to him or he freaks out. I have no idea what to do with him and I feel terrible because Josh is the one staying the whole time with him because he feels bad that I'm huge and pregnant. We have seriously contemplated leaving him at home on Sundays to fend for himself, but I'm pretty sure that won't work...(c: So if anyone has some helpful advice of something you or someone you know that is a would be greatly appreciated. I mean, c'mon, what kid doesn't like playing???? Don't tell me my kid is going to be one of those that never goes to nursery...)c:


Krystal said...

Sorry, I can't help. We're still counting down four more months until nursery...hoping that it will be a magical experience for us all. (Could I be that lucky?)

Unknown said...

Oh I am so sorry. Ours had difficulties after we moved until we got her attached to one of the leaders. She needed to know that an adult she trusted was around still- you know for just in cases. Who knows though. Good luck!

FOUST said...

I love the movie sixteen candles. There is this one tiny scene during a school dance where the parents walk their teenage son into the gym to attend the dance. He feels fine until they push him inside and hurry and close the doors behind him holding them shut. The boy looses it!! and yells "I wanna go home and be with you guys!!"-HALARIOUS
That is what popped into my head reading your post. YIKES!
Just hang in there baby- he will get used to it and meet some new peeps hopefully sooner then later.

Aubrey {All Things Bright and Beautiful} said...

I also am a HUGE sixteen candles fan and unfortunately know exactly what scene Johanna is talking about. Yeah, it's about like that.